Friday, March 29, 2013

Day 29 Sam's Gap 11 miles

Today I awoke in my hammock having slept very little. The Colorado boy kept the mountains of hikers entertained that were around the shelter. Mid day made things cold and snowy. By 4pm we had only made it a short distance and I convinced Tarzan and coffee pot to call a hotel. We bumped into Booboo's wife while waiting for Mother Mariam's Hostel to pick us up.

Nomad was at the hostel and treated us to a dinner of grilled cheese and chicken noodle soup.

Day 28 flint mountain shelter 16 miles

The gang set off from the hostel a little late in the day. By mid day I had made it to the first shelter but continued on to our planned shelter for the eve. It was packed. I was reunited with sweet T and baker and finally connected with camaro the Canadian girl from Winnipeg and her dog Chevy. Lucky blazed through with news of the gang slack packing. I am camping it hammock tonight.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Day 27 hostel 17 miles

Sludge slush and snow. We arrived at the hostel with wet feet but good spirits. Coffee pot and Tarzan came later in the evening.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Day 24 hot springs - 1 mile

Today was a day of refuelling, booking spa appointments and eating. We walked 1 mile from the hostel to the campsite.

I learned about deep fried pickles.

A storm is looming and we are debating about staying again.

Day 26 zero

The snowstorm is here. Dirty mike and the boys headed out two days ago, as did Road Runner and Starsky and Hutch. Sweet Tea and Baker headed out yesterday in the afternoon. We saw Z head out this morning on his own and Nickelodeon also planned to leave this morning.

I would like to get moving but the gang has decided to stay.

The day ended with DLL making enchiladas Rojas and twix making Easter eggs. A big shout out to chuck Norris at the laughing heart hostel who let us come back and stay for another night. That man has a heart of gold.

Day 25 hot springs -zero

Today we sat in the hot springs and awaited the impending snow storm. I got a massage and am told my body is in good shape in spite of the journey. I am still blister free, and have some back pain from using my poles. I plan on stretching more.

I have managed to get rid of some extra weight but also ordered an underquilt for my hammock.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Day 23 Hot Springs 18 miles

We awoke today to warm skies that beckoned rain. Worries for thunderstorms approaching, we b-lined it into town. I got my education today in southern fried food: fried okra, hush puppies, fried green tomatoes and turnip greens;)

We got some trail magic early on in the day (snickers and grapes).

Day 22 Roaring Fork Shelter 16 miles

Today was a cold snowy day. The gang slogged through snow which turned to ice which turned to mud. We were happy to leave the smokies but the cold persists and there is guaranteed snow or rain tomorrow. I may press on and do 18 miles tomorrow just so I can have a hot shower.

Day 21 standing bear 10 miles

Today we awoke to -11 Celsius (11 Fahrenheit) snow covered hills. It was as though the Smokies gave us one last kick in the butt before we left today. The long trail down the mountain brought us to Standing Bear farms, home to Rocketman and Gatorboy and the kennel that houses dogs while their owners hike the smokies. The managers are like something out of a movie. Let's just say I learned a few new words...that I won't be trying out anytime soon.