Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Day 116 Stratton pond shelter 19 miles

Today started hot and mosquito-y and ended in pouring rain itch thunder. Oz, patch, Sophie (yes the dog) summited the mountain and climbed the tour (Sophie too). Thus began our day. I hiked alone and summited the next mountain that was supposed to have had a moose prowling around. I missed it but apparently Sophie found it. I got to the shelter late while the rain was pouring down. The shelter was packed with Boy Scouts, chief (a yoyoer), Oz, and Patch. 

Day 115 Goddard Shelter 14 miles

I got up early and got trail magic AGAIN from sandmans mom. I got a ride into Bennington with a super trail angel named Steve(?) he took me to price chopper and then toured me around Historic Bennington. I got to see Robert frost's grave among other things. He had been following trail journals and knew all about Rash and Hoosier. Steve drove me back to the trail where i met Oz, Patch and Sophie. I wanted to do more miles today but slowed down because there was thunder as I approached the summit of a mountain. Oz and patch joined me along with three other section hikers. They gave us their food as they were going into town tomorrow. I think they were entertained by our hiker talk.

Day 114 congdon shelter 14 miles

The day was humid and full of mosquitoes. Logan and I had slept little and felt the humidity the most. At the bottom of the hill we ran into sandman's mom performing trail magic. I love sandman's mom. She is an amazing person. I traded red devil mosquito hats and got a goody bag from her. It was wonderful. We lost Ned EG and Garfunkel as the went ahead. Coffee pot got off to appear another day.

Day 113 Wilbur clearing shelter 21 miles

We headed out late today because of the breakfast Tom made. I walked into Cheshire to find coffee pot and chin strap. Then I headed to the pub to join Ned and Logan for lunch. I met up with Ned, logan, coffee pot and chin strap at the top of graylock mountain. We headed out and found a tent in the shelter. Earl grey waited around for several hours and finally moved the tent. Coffee pot chin strap and I camped nearby. we woke up at 2 am to the sound of a drunken camper go had returned from the festival. Ned, Logan and the camper got into a heated discussion and finally the camper left.

Day 112 Dalton MA 20 miles

The caretakers at upper goose pond cabin made us coffee and pancakes!!! It was delicious. Punkin and Mott headed off into ton early because Punkin needed to resupply. Oz and Patch hiked naked today on account of the solstice. i met two older lady hikers who were confused by the whole situation. I went ahead and arrived at Toms house to find Oz, patch and Sophie. Ned and Logan did a zero here and watched Star Trek last night. Tom is a saint. He let us stay in his home for free and cooked us dinner and breakfast. I walked into town to buy stuff. It as 4 miles round trip.

Day 111 Upper goose pond cabin

I headed out with Mott and Punkin pie early in the morning and got a ride from the Good Samaritan neighbour who shuttled us out back to the road. The day was quiet but full of Mosquitos. We made it to the cabin and joined earl grey, Garfunkel, and I met Oz, Patch and his dog Sophie for the first time. The caretakers were expecting me because Ned and Logan told them I was coming. The cabin is a beautiful spot.